Alterpath, The Opporator + Rainbow Trout, Hobart | Live Music
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Alterpath, The Opporator + Rainbow Trout

Alterpath (part Sam Sanderson, part Bai Sumeng) have been making music for 12 years—originally dubstep, but now house, garage, UK grime, trap and latin based production. Alterpath leave no stone unturned in exploring sonic aesthetics to build up their repertoire, spreading their sound across Australia.

Rainbow Trout weaves an eclectic tapestry of rhythm, a pulsing journey into the primordial heart, a joyful sonic rebellion. Her decolonial curation crafts a rich musical ecology that resists definition. What is sure, is that it grooves.


We acknowledge and respect the palawa people as the traditional and ongoing owners of the skies, land, and water of Lutruwita. We pay our respects to their elders both past and present and acknowledge that sovereignty has never been ceded.

We believe in safe and positive spaces where all people are welcome and respected. If you experience or see something that doesn’t look right, please report it to one of our friendly staff.

Level access is via the Liverpool Street laneway only. There is an ambulant toilet.