The Wellness Choir, Darlinghurst | Live Music
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The Wellness Choir

Let your voice be your guide on a journey of self-discovery and well-being...

Experience the magic of the "Wellness Choir"

Let your voice be your guide on a journey of self-discovery and well-being.

Feel the rejuvenating power of each breath as you harmonize with others in a chorus of shared joy.

Discover the harmony of community as you find peace amidst life's crescendos. Join us in this fun and engaging process—it's not just a choir, it's a symphony of wellness where every note resonates with the rhythm of holistic health.

Embrace the transformative potential of music and voice. Come, be a part of something special. Let's create beautiful melodies together and find solace in the sanctuary of sound. Your journey to wellness begins here, with the "Wellness Choir


The "Wellness Choir" beckons you to embark on a transformative journey through music and voice. Unleash the power of your lungs as each melodious note becomes an exercise in respiratory vitality. Discover the sheer joy residing in your voice, an instrument of self-expression and well-being.

But it’s not just about melodies, find harmony in community, where voices intertwine to form a chorus of shared joy. The Wellness Choir transcends the musical realm, offering solace to your brain, a sanctuary of peace amid life's crescendos.

Join us in this fun and engaging process. It's more than a choir; it's a symphony of wellness where breath, joy, community, and tranquillity converge, creating a unique space where every note resonates with the rhythm of holistic health.


We strive to keep it fun and engaging, so we gather for some chatter, laughter, and warm tea to loosen up the vocal cords. Then Mitch, our Musical Director leads us in some exercises before coaching us in one to three tunes (depends on the complexity of the piece).

So come along, relax and get lost in the process of singing!

Your ticket price includes a welcome drink to help limber the vocal cords...

Due to our location, this is an 18+ event.


Mitchell Kwanten, a versatile Sydney-based musician, composer, and producer, is a virtuoso on various instruments, including guitar, bass, keyboards, drums/percussion, and more.

As a founding member of the electro soul indigenous group "Bow and Arrow," Mitchell has graced national airwaves on TRIPLE J and performed at prestigious venues like the Sydney Opera House, Byron Bay Blues Festival, and Adelaide Fringe Festival.

A graduate of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music with a Bachelor of Music Composition, Mitchell's musical journey spans various genres and international stages. He has collaborated with renowned Australian artists such as David Campbell, Shannon Noll, and Casey Donovan, showcasing his talent as a performer and musical director. In 2019, Mitchell served as the touring Musical Director for the year-long production of "The Sapphires."

With a passion for education, Mitchell has been teaching vocal groups since 1998. Over a decade, he and his Bow and Arrow partner led a vocal ensemble, performing at prestigious venues like the State Theatre and Belvoir Street Theatre. In 2023, Mitchell directed three vocal ensembles, including the Northern Beaches adult choir "Purple Moon," the all-male group "Voice Male," and the teenage collective "Reignite," which clinched 1st place in the Sydney City Eisteddfods. Mitchell's unwavering commitment to nurturing a love for singing and music remains at the forefront of his endeavours.


Embarking on a journey of health and wellness through singing, especially in a group or choir setting, unveils a myriad of physical, mental, and emotional benefits. Beyond the sheer joy of harmonizing with others, this melodic practice contributes significantly to overall well-being.

Physiologically, singing engages a range of muscles, including those in the diaphragm, chest, and face, promoting respiratory strength and improved lung capacity. The controlled breathing required during singing enhances oxygen flow, fostering cardiovascular health. As participants navigate vocal ranges and melodies, they subtly exercise their vocal cords, contributing to vocal health and clarity.

The group dynamic of a choir amplifies the positive impact on mental and emotional well-being. Singing releases endorphins, those feel-good hormones, reducing stress and anxiety levels. The communal aspect of a choir creates a sense of belonging and camaraderie, fostering social connections and combating feelings of loneliness.

Research suggests that group singing stimulates the release of oxytocin, the "bonding hormone," promoting trust and social bonding among participants. This not only enhances emotional resilience but also bolsters the immune system. Moreover, the act of synchronizing with fellow singers in terms of rhythm and melody can induce a profound sense of unity and shared purpose.

Beyond the physiological and psychological benefits, participating in a choir taps into the creative and expressive aspects of self. It serves as an outlet for emotional release and self-discovery, offering a holistic approach to wellness.

In essence, the health and wellness benefits of singing in a group or choir extend far beyond the music itself. It's a harmonious symphony of physical vitality, emotional resilience, and social connection, creating a holistic tapestry that enriches lives in more ways than one.

So don’t be shy, join us – you do not have to be a “good singer” in fact you don’t even have to know how to sing at all… it’s about participating not about performing!


Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event?

This is an 18+ only program.

What are my transport/parking options for getting to the event?

The event is held in an inner-city location so transport options vary and car parking is typically a challenge - we encourage participants to explore public transport options.

What are the disability access points like?

The location we use for this experience is the top floor of a heritage building that is still upgrading its disability access points. There are many stairs involved so please be aware of this limitation when purchasing your ticket.

What can/can't I bring to the event?

Bring yourself - participants' packs are provided

Where can I contact the organiser with any questions?

The organisers can be contacted through this page or directly by clicking here.

Is my registration/ticket transferrable?

Your ticket cannot be transferred for cash but if you cannot make it and someone else you know may like to join the discussion on your behalf, we are happy to accept that person just shoot us a quick note to advise the registration team at the event.

Can I update my registration information?

At any time.

Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?

This is helpful but we have modern technology which means we can accept you without the ticket.

What is the refund policy?

The ticket is non-refundable.

The name on the registration/ticket doesn't match the attendee. Is that okay?

Sure, if you cannot make the event and give the ticket to another - that is cool - we ask you to help with the registration process by shooting us an email confirming this arrangement.

This ticket includes a drink ticket useable only on the night of your registration and all learning resources.

Please connect with us if you have any special dietary or mobility issues to help you get the best out of the experience...

